Why Gift your Teacher and Mentor a Flower Bouquet on Women Day

Why Gift your Teacher and Mentor a Flower Bouquet on Women Day


Behind every successful man there’s a woman but what if there’s a woman behind a woman’s success too. Think about it, from your mom to your kindergarten teacher to the caretaker in after school help home everywhere there was a woman, a motherly figure that helped you sort it through. Now that you are a grown woman it would be a pleasure to acknowledge all the efforts done by these heartfelt women in the betterment of your life. And the best way to show her that you adore them for what they did and couldn’t thank them enough, we suggest a flower delivery in Bangalore to their residential or workspace. Lilies, gerberas, carnations, white, red, yellow, pink and red roses are the right ones to go for. You may use a bouquet, flower box or mug and so on. There have been plenty of inventions and changes in the gifting industry and you should avail of these benefits too.

For all the women whose efforts went unnoticed, here are a few of their names and suggestions on how to greet them on women’s day and thank them for everything they have done. 

  • Teacher

A teacher is who shapes our life and us into what it becomes later on. From kindergarten to high school they tell us the right path to walk on in our lives. These teachers deserve a bouquet of pink roses with at least a dozen roses and a greeting card.

  • Colleague

That supportive colleague who is always there to mend your goof ups, guide you like a mentor and becomes a friendly senior, deserves a bouquet. A flower box with white and yellow flowers to be kept right by their office table can be a good option. You can even get it customised.

  • Great boss

The boss who never felt like one but is always there to help you and help you excel is the best kind. To this boss give a giant bouquet of lilies and it won’t be taken as an unjust means of benefiting from the boss when you will slip along with it a greeting card that thanks to your boss beyond the limit.

  • Grandmother

In some houses, grandmothers are also called mom’s and there’s a reason behind it. It’s because they are there on each step to help us through and forward. They help us through each hurdle and nothing less than a bouquet of red roses can suffice in gesture what you feel for them.

  • Mentor

A mentor comes when you lose your absolute way and brings you back to the point from where you now need to make the right decision. Had this mentor never come you would have walked the path everyone picked too and ended up in not a milestone but a usual place with loads of competition.

  • Housemaid

Housewives and working women know the importance of housemaids in their lives and understand the effort they have to put in to put away all their problems and come out to fight stronger and harder. Give her a bouquet of roses and thank her for going out of her way every day.
