Nourish and Beautify Your Hair with Muskmallow Extract and Head Massage

Nourish and Beautify Your Hair with Muskmallow Extract and Head Massage


Beautiful and healthy-looking hair is something that most people desire but sometimes it doesn’t come so easily. Factors like poor nutrition, stress, and pollution play a great role in making it hard to maintain healthy hair. There are many products available in the market today to alleviate hair issues but they are not always the most accessible or best option for everyone.

To do things right, you should choose the natural way and invest in navratna cool oil with muskmallow extract. This natural ingredient bears properties for hair strengthening. However, the extract is not that accessible, as technical expertise is needed. You can access the benefits of muskmallow from products like Navratna oil.

Why muskmallow extract?

Muskmallow is also called Kasturi Bhendi or Abelmoschus moschatus. It is a flowering plant, which has been used in traditional medicine for a long time. The extract is rich in antioxidants and nutrients that make it quite valuable in hair care. Some of the reasons why it should be used include:

  • Deep hair and scalp nourishment: Muskmallow happens to be rich in fatty acids and vitamins. The extract infuses deep into the scalp to nourish your hair roots resulting in healthy hair growth.
  • Shine and hydration: Muskmallow bears hydration properties that make it a great option for dealing with dryness. With regular use, you are left with manageable, shiny, and smooth hair.
  • Boosting scalp health: The other thing that makes muskmallow an indispensable tool as hair oil is its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps soothe your scalp while combating dandruff.
  • Hair strengthening: Using muskmallow regularly works on your hair strands and strengthens them. As such, you don’t have to worry about split ends and breakage. This results in vibrant-looking hair with rejuvenated tresses.

Head massage with muskmallow benefits

Indulging in a head massage with muskmallow isn’t only for beauty or luxury. It is a full therapy in itself with great benefits for your wellbeing in general in addition to hair. Using options like Navratna cool oil for the massage helps create an enriching experience. The benefits include:

  • Better circulation: Taking time to massage the scalp with muskmallow stimulates the flow of blood, which ensures your follicles have access to oxygen and essential nutrients. This stimulation helps the brain as well leading to better functioning and health.
  • Stress relief: Getting a head massage is the ultimate way to relax and alleviate any tension. Combined with head massage oil for stress relief / Navratna stress relief oil with muskmallow extract, you have a powerful remedy for anxiety and stress-related issues.
  • Detox: Massage is the ideal way of stimulating the human lymphatic system. Doing it using the right technique makes it so much easier to eliminate toxins from the scalp, which is beneficial to overall health.

To get the most out of Ayurvedic cool oil, you should apply the right technique. Warming the oil before use makes the results even better. Application is best done using circular motions with gentle pressure. To alleviate stress, concentrate on the neck, the temples, and the crown. Indulging in a head massage just before bedtime helps you unwind and calm yourself down enough for a good night’s rest.

Bottom line

Beautifying and nourishing your hair is not that complicated especially when you use muskmallow extract. You stand to enjoy numerous benefits apart from radiant, healthy-looking hair. Using Navratna cool oil allows you to tap into these benefits. It is a blend of essential oils and natural herbs, which adds to its benefits. Menthol, Amla, and Brahmi are some of the other ingredients used in this formulation.
