In which cases is a dental crown necessary?

In which cases is a dental crown necessary?


Dental crowns are placed on a tooth, in order to cover it and regain its shape, strength, size and improve its appearance.They when fixed at last more than 25 years, being the  ideal estimated time for it to remain in good condition from 15 to 20 years.

Although, as always, it will depend on the dental care you maintain and  good oral hygiene .  It can also depend on your occlusion or bite, since if your teeth are misaligned, the risk of the prosthesis fracture or damage over time is higher.

Some of the main indications that exist to place a crown are:

  • The tooth has a cavity too large for a filling.
  • The tooth is worn, weakened or cracked.
  • The tooth exposed to endodontic treatment increasing its fragility.
  • The tooth is poorly formed or discolored and you want to improve its appearance.

What types of dentures are there?

Fixed prosthesis

This type of prosthesis is fixed at the dentist and we can no longer remove it as its name suggests. On the other hand, it is the type that most closely resembles our natural teeth and is cared for in the same way.

Within the fixed dental prostheses we find two types.

1.      On natural teeth.

  • Dental crowns : When we have a broken tooth and our root is healthy, dental crowns are used. These help us to restore damaged teeth and protect sensitive ones. The latter is due to the fact that sometimes fillings fail to relieve pain or cannot correct the color or shape of the teeth.
  • Dental bridges: its main function is the replacement of one or more teeth. Unlike the previous one, the bridges are made up of a minimum of two crowns.
  1. About dental implants: this type of solution is carried out with those people who do not want to damage their natural teeth.

Removable prosthesis

This type of dental prosthesis is removed every day for cleaning. Therefore, people who usually have this type are those who want to have their teeth quickly or who do not have enough bone to insert the implants themselves.

  1. Partial removable: they are usually anchored to the remaining teeth and are supported by the mucosa and gums. Due to technological advances it is in disuse since it is usually replaced by dental implants.
  2. Complete removable: It is the one that we commonly know by the name of teeth. It is used by those who have none or almost no teeth, since the use of implants is not recommended for various reasons such as age or health.

Therefore, we can see how, apart from aesthetics, it is necessary to use dental prostheses in the case of need for our hygiene and health. Therefore, we must consult with our dentist to guide us depending on which is the most suitable type for us.

Dental Care