Apria Healthcare – A Leading Name In-Home Healthcare Services

Apria Healthcare – A Leading Name In-Home Healthcare Services


Home healthcare services are ideal for older adults recovering from injuries or managing chronic and acute health conditions in a place where they wish to be in the comforts of their own homes. Most of the time, older adults do not want to admit they need help with their daily life or are struggling to survive because they are not keen to lose their independence. One of the top advantages of home healthcare services is these older adults can start doing daily tasks like bathing, walking, dressing, and preparing meals.

Apria Healthcare – Committed to quality patient service and home healthcare services

Apria Healthcare is now celebrating 25 years of enhancing the quality of life for patients at home. It was formed in 1995 when two leading home healthcare companies in the USA were combined. Ever since its inception, this esteemed name has dedicated itself to offering outstanding care and exceptional service. Besides this, its employees strive to be an essential part of the local community where they work and live.

Over time and for years, it has provided healthcare service and equipment to patients in areas that disasters have struck. It has demonstrated its commitment to military spouses and veterans via hiring programs and introduced green earth projects for salvaging repair parts and recycling scrap metal on equipment that cannot be used anymore.

During wildfires, floods, hurricanes, and now the coronavirus pandemic, Apria has the tradition to deliver necessary respiratory and medical equipment to homes to its patients irrespective of the circumstances.

Home healthcare services

Over the last 25 years, it has grown into a primary national provider of home healthcare services and products. It has more than 275 branch offices locally across the USA with about 6500 employees working with this name.

The company proudly its services to more than 1.8 million patients annually. With its products and services, it offers a new beginning to patients. It gives them the chance to return to their homes from the hospital to resume their lives with their loved ones.

Comfort, convenience, and safety

Research proves senior adults recover faster with lesser complications when they are at home than in a hospital. With quality home care services, patients are able to get the help they need for managing their medicines. This prevents the possibility of harmful drug interactions for the patient.

Home healthcare services ensure that patients are given high-quality care from the comforts of their own home in a safe and comfortable environment. Older adults can avoid frequent visits to the hospital as they are able to manage their medical conditions effectively at home successfully.

Apria Healthcare offers relief to family caregivers as home healthcare specialists help them with dressing, bathing, and other daily chores. This alleviates the tension of family caregivers, and they, along with other members of the house, are educated on how to offer follow-up care if needed. They connect them with credible and helpful resources. This healthcare support offers family members space of mind and ensures that caregivers do not suffer from burnout.
