What is a pilonidal cyst and how can it be treated?

What is a pilonidal cyst and how can it be treated?


This is a kind of cyst that you are going to get at the bottom of your tailbone that is also called the coccyx. This is known as the pilonidal cyst. This can get infected and will be filled with pus. If you are thinking about how to get rid of this issue, then there are many pilonidal cyst treatment options. 

When you are infected, then the term that is used is called pilonidal abscess and it can be painful. It is going to look like a large pimple on the bottom of the tailbone. This condition is more common in men when it is compared to women. This is most of the time going to happen in the younger generation of the community. 

People such as the truck driver who sit a lot or the other professionals are at a higher risk of getting the pilonidal cyst. Well, if your cyst is going to become an issue, then it can be treated. Your doctor will be able to drain it out with the help of the surgery. 

Causes of the pilonidal cyst treatment

Well, most doctors think that ingrown hairs are the reason why you are getting them. The term pilonidal means a best of hair and the doctors are sometimes finding these hair follicles in the cyst. 

One of the other theories includes that these cysts are going to appear after a trauma to the region of the body. During world war 2, more than 80,000 soldiers got the pilonidal cyst that put them in the hospital. At first, the people thought that they are getting it from the bumpy jeeps and the condition was given the name the jeep disease. 

You are more likely to get these if you were born with a small dimple in the skin between the buttocks. This is the dimple that is going to infect though the doctors are not exactly sure why. There are other risk factors that include obesity, not exercising enough, sitting for long, and excessive sweating that can lead to this issue. 

Some of the symptoms of this include:

  • Pus or the blood that is draining out of it. 
  • Pain, redness, and swelling 
  • Bad smell from the pus
  • Fever
  • Tenderness in touching the pimple. 

The cyst can easily vary in size. It can be a small dimple or it can cover a large area and that can be very painful. 

When must you call the doctor?

A pilonidal cyst is a kind of abscess or the boil ab there are treatment options that include antibiotics, topical treatments, and some creams. If the case is severe and needs immediate medical attention, then it needs to be drained or lanced in order to heal it. 

Like the other boils, this might not get better with antibiotics. If you are having any of the symptoms, then you need to get in touch with your doctor immediately.  


Your doctor is going to diagnose a pilonidal cyst by taking a physical exam and also by asking you some questions about it as well. They can ask you regarding

  • When did you feel the symptoms?
  • Have you ever faced this issue before?
  • Have you ever faced a fever?
  • What supplements and medications are you taking currently?

What can you do in order to feel better?

Well, at a very early stage, when you have an infection of the pilonidal cyst such as swelling, redness, and a little pain, then there are some things that you can try. 

  • In order to ease any of the pain, you can soak in a tub of warm water. This is when the cyst is going to open up and drain in its own way. 
  • You can also take the non-prescription medication but make sure that you follow the instructions of the dosing. 
  • Make sure that you are also keeping the area of the cyst clean and dry. 

Pilonidal cyst treatment options:

Well, the antibiotics are going to heal the pilonidal cysts completely, for the pilonidal cyst treatment, there are some other options that you can try. 

Drainage and incision:

This is one of the preferred and the best methods of the pilonidal cyst. Your doctor is going to make the cut in the cyst and then drain it as well. Then they are going to remove hair follicles and will leave the wound open. This is a simple procedure that is performed with the help of local anesthesia. The area around the cyst is going to be numbed. 


In this procedure, your doctor is going to make a cut and will drain the cyst, and remove the pus and the hairs that are inside. They are going to sew the edges of the cut to the wound edge in order to make a pouch. 

This is an outpatient surgery under local anesthesia. It is also going to let the doctor make a smaller and shallower cut so that they do not have to take the pus out daily. 

Get in touch with your doctor if you are facing any of the symptoms and discuss the pilonidal cyst treatment option that you have. 
